Never Be Troubled With Compliance Fatigue Again
What is compliance fatigue?
As privacy and data collection laws grow in number and complexity, so does the stress of having to sort through them all to learn which apply to your contact center and how you can stay compliant. Compliance fatigue is a state of exhaustion induced by having to constantly maintain compliance with ever-changing rules and regulations. The big question is, how do you get past this or prevent it?
Schedule it out
Every contact center must be up to date on the latest news and trends surrounding compliance. Otherwise, they risk non-compliance. By scheduling a regular time to review and study compliance news, contact centers ensure that they know of any changes while providing themselves with a break from constantly worrying. This scheduled time could be once a week or once a month. The amount of time between each check may vary by industry and individual risk tolerance. It might help to plan these compliance reviews at the same time as established compliance audits, minimalizing the time consumed by compliance.
Automated compliance suite
New technology and software are developed daily. These advances provide opportunities for contact centers to ease their compliance burden through automation. While no software can guarantee 100% protection, there is software that can help by automatically scrubbing lists with preset filters, recording calls and checking for compliance risks, or collecting and analyzing data from customer communications to discover problematic trends and issues. When considering ways to enhance compliance, contact center software with a built-in compliance suite should be at the top of the list.
Manual override
If simply scrubbing the lists isn’t enough, having the ability to manually approve lists after they have been scrubbed adds a final layer of protection. You can send scrubbed lists to approval agents for a final review to ensure everything is exactly how you want it and how it should be.

Though it is easy to experience compliance fatigue, contact centers cannot afford to NOT be compliant. Because remaining compliant is so important, it is essential for contact centers to implement strategies and solutions that aid in compliance while reducing the amount of effort needed to do so. Request a demo to see how TCN’s built-in compliance suite can eliminate your compliance fatigue.