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How to Scale Your Contact Center Operations with Cloud-Based Technology

Kerry Sherman

Kerry Sherman

Vice President of Business Development

Increased sales and company expansion, either into new verticals or geographic market through a merger, are wonderful realities. However, they also sometimes produce inefficiencies and friction points in the call center that prevent businesses from realizing their full potential.

Rather than growth and profitability rising steadily, the two fluctuate, putting businesses on a roller coaster of ups, downs and corkscrew turns. Stakeholders respond to customer service needs as they arise instead of forecasting and responding proactively to them. As a result, sales performance declines, as do projected financial outcomes.

The good news is that you can transform this scenario with cloud-based call center technology. By implementing modern calling solutions, contact center operations scale seamlessly alongside your business as it grows and its needs change.

Seasonal Demand Needs Seasonal Solutions

Historical sales and contact center data shows when customer demand spikes and troughs. Perhaps sales and customer service calls increase during the holidays; or, perhaps, your business caters more to a summer crowd. Regardless, your company’s big data paints a holistic picture of business performance over the seasons and years.

You can use the information to drive sales forecasts, improve decision-making, develop quantifiable business results and allocate resources. For example, you could add more inbound and outbound call center agents during peak sales periods, thereby preventing long wait times and possibly creating a customer experience that’s remembered for years to come. You might add additional managers, too, predicting a rise in customer angst as a new product hits the shelves for holiday or summer sales.

Company Growth Requires Agile and Adaptable Solutions

In a different circumstance, your company grows by leaps and bounds—so much so that angel investors scout it. It’s a great development, but only if you can sustain it. Investors, after all, want to know they’re betting on a sure thing, not something that will drop off the S&P next month.

To solidify potential investments, inbound and outbound contact center operations should scale seamlessly across the organization. Doing so guarantees two abilities. One, each department has the resources it needs to encounter customer questions, concerns and needs, helping increase sales and customer loyalty.

Two, each department has the people needed to reach out to existing customers, ask for product or service feedback and increase revenue with value-add items. The data pulled from both efforts circulates back to the business to inform and improve efforts, as well as sustainably and effortlessly push profits further upward.

Unexpected Business Needs Necessitate Cloud-Based Solutions

Maybe neither of the above scenes describes your business. Does that mean cloud-based call center software isn’t for you? Not at all. You know customer demand changes quickly, as do business trends and forecasts.

Without cloud-based technology, your business might struggle to meet demand and sometimes-volatile market conditions. On-demand call center technology offers a different story line. It grants you the ability to respond quickly and effortlessly to changing circumstances.

Pretend, for a moment, that a product has to be retired immediately because of a new government regulation. Your developers are working toward a launch of the latest and greatest version, but you know customers will call, email and text with all sorts of concerns and questions in the meantime. You solve for the potential problem by blending inbound and outbound contact center operations and adding agents during peak hours.

Or, in a different situation, your company merges with a global entity. Without cloud-based contact center software, you would have to manually compile, check and combine data. The work would take months, if not years, and you could potentially miss duplicate entries or incorrect customer information. The solution is cloud-based call center software. It automates data collection and compares myriad data sources so that information remains reliable, accurate and secure.

Build Your Business with TCN’s Cloud-Based Technology

If you’ve been looking for contact center software that scales with your business and adapts to changing circumstances and business needs, you have it with TCN. The solution is modular, meaning you can purchase the full array of services or only those needed.

For example, you might like to start improving contact center operations by focusing on outbound and inbound functionality. You can do that easily with TCN’s solution, then add other elements, such as the Business Intelligence Suite or Compliance Suite, as you need them.

As you work with the platform, you’ll discover a simple, critical truth: your business is ready for any customer or market condition. You changed the company story thanks to cloud-based software, and increased sales and profits are yours for the taking.

Want to learn more about how to increase profits with cloud-based call center technology? Download our “Implementing TCN to Increase Profits” eBook today!

Explore all the features of TCN’s call center software