3 Signs Your Call Center Needs Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
Sometimes as a call center manager, you only see things up close and it can be difficult to take a step back and analyze the big picture.
You might be able to recognize problems or areas in need of improvement in your contact center, but a solution isn’t as easy to identify.
TCN Operator call center software develops innovative solutions to anticipate and meet your needs. One of the saving graces provided by TCN is its Automatic Call Distribution (ACD). Implementing ACD into your call center might be exactly what you need, but you may not know it yet. Take a look at 3 signs your contact center needs Automatic Call Distribution.

Wait Time is High & Customer Satisfaction is Low
Do you notice there seems to always be calls on hold waiting to talk to an agent? This is not a great recipe for efficient handling and customer service.
If incoming calls are constantly put on hold waiting to talk to an agent, this can make callers’ more impatient and start the conversation off on the wrong note. Not to mention, long wait times can negatively affect the relationship between the customer and organization. Implementing Automatic Call Distribution into your call center can ensure that your customers’ calls are reaching agents as soon as they become available. An ACD can help improve your call center’s metrics and reach its highest potential.

Agent Efficiency or Productivity is Lagging
Does it seem like your agents are moving a tad slow or taking their sweet time to start their next call? Perhaps your agents are staying productive, but large amounts of their valuable time are spent transitioning between each call?
With an Automatic Call Distributor, your call center is able to streamline calls to agents as soon as they become available — eliminating downtime in between calls. The ACD uses an algorithm to route calls based on the caller’s information and agents’ progress in their current calls — reducing errors and dropped calls.

Your Customers Aren’t Getting the Help They Need
Have you noticed calls are being directed to agents that don’t have the correct skillset to help with specific customer needs?
This can increase agents’ Average Handle Time (AHT) while they spend time scrambling to find the answer or solution to a problem they are not equipped to handle. Whether it’s a customer needing an agent that speaks a different language or has an industry-specific question, having the call go to agents skilled to best help with specific needs.
Implementing an ACD into your contact center can improve the experience for both the agent and the customer. With calls automatically directed to agents that know how to quickly resolve the issue, they can reduce their AHT and raise customer satisfaction.
If any of these signs ring a bell about some things occurring in your call center, then this is your official sign telling you it’s time to improve your organization with TCN’s Automatic Call Distributor. Find out how TCN can take your call center to the next level of efficiency — request a demo today.