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10 Reasons to Integrate Your Call Center Platform Data

Kerry Sherman

Kerry Sherman

Vice President of Business Development

When it comes to your call center platform, data integration, when done right, can power more efficient operations and greater business profitability and growth. By investing in the process, you streamline connections between applications and data sources; reduce administrative and management resources; enable easy data delivery; and ensure data accuracy. The benefits prove profound; read on to learn about 10 of them.

1. Integration Identifies And Differentiates Customers.

With multiple data streams, customers remain strangers. They call in for assistance and are shuffled from one customer service representative to another.

Call center platform integration offers a transformed customer experience. Disparate data streams coalesce and push needed information to various applications, including your call center platform. When customers call in now, they are known and greeted by name.

2. Integration Facilitates Seamless, Bidirectional Data Flow.

Silos in an organization benefit no one; everyone stumbles around in the dark. Data integration shines a light onto the situation. Every individual, whether a call center agent, marketing assistant, accountant, or customer relationship manager, gains visibility into the business, its objectives and its customers.

3. Integration Increases Data Availability Across the Organization.

Multiple data sets only create confusion and delays. One employee twiddles thumbs while waiting for a file or other information to be sent over. Centralizing data through integration of the call center platform allows people across the organization to retrieve and use information when and where they need to, saving time and boosting productivity.

4. Integration Ensures Data Is Always-On and Always Up-To-Date.

Cloud-enabled integration, such as that found with the TCN call center platform, distributes data across the organization to key applications. Manual data entry — beyond the initial inputting, that is — disappears. Inputted data relays from one point, such as a marketing solution, to all the others.

5. Integration Increases Data’s Value To The Organization.

Integration increases data’s value in a couple of ways. One is comparison; different data sets can be compared to discover trends and potential causes for growth in inbound calls. Another value-add resides in merging. Data sources can be combined together to gain a better picture of a particular condition, such as a customer who repeatedly calls into the call center.

6. Integration Reduces Data Complexity.

Siloed data bears a strong resemblance to the cyclone that often fills a teenager’s room. You can’t make sense of it. You enter the “room” and think the best option is to throw everything out and start over.

Not so fast. Make sense of the chaos by integrating the data. It takes upfront work, but you’ll count the blessings later. Integration helps categorize data as it comes into various systems, guiding information toward appropriate destinations.

7. Integration Enables Cross-Collaboration.

Integration also helps employees across the organization to collaborate. Sometimes, the best solutions come through the cross-pollination of a customer service representative and a social media manager. They look at the data and see an idea for a new communication delivery vehicle that will drive business growth and customer satisfaction.

8. Integration Allows For Better Decision-Making.

Integration also proves pivotal to business intelligence (BI). The term is a broad one, but it generally means the process by which you improve decision making. The process demands data integration. Without it, you will spend hours and hours looking for a data point to prove your case to stakeholders. You should save yourself the time and frustration by implementing a data integration plan for our call center platform. It’s simply the smartest thing to do when trying to make more informed business decisions.

9. Integration Creates Opportunities to Up- and Cross-Sell.

Data integration results in bidirectional information flow and rich customer records. The two are great benefits in and of themselves, but they create opportunities for others, namely upselling, cross selling and implementing impactful data analytics When you know who your customers are and their behaviors, you can offer relevant and timely product and services promotions.

10. Integration Improves Call Resolution Rates.

Finally, data integration produces improved call resolution rates. It’s the only possible conclusion. When you integrate data, you streamline processes and data flows, leading to the ability to respond to customers’ needs, faster.

When looking to purchase a call center platform, keep data integration in mind. The function is key to success because it gathers data from across the organization and uses it to improve internal operations and external communications. With it, you will see more efficient and productive employees, make more strategic business decisions, and grow the bottom and top lines.

Still not convinced? Check out our whitepaper about the top 10 benefits of the modern call center here.

Explore all the features of TCN’s call center software